Building Long Lasting Partnerships to Future-Proof Business at NEXTDC
To ensure success when developing such a large number of complex facilities, NEXTDC align themselves with trusted partners who assist them in achieving their brand promise of Power, Secure and Connect.
The partnership between NEXTDC and Gunnebo began as very much a vendor and supplier type relationship. Over time, Gunnebo have taken the time to understand NEXTDC’s need for security, enabling a layered approach to the security posture to be deployed in all facilities. Having each facility layered with a range of high end solutions allows NEXTDC to protect these Data Centres to the highest industry standard; providing their customers with uncompromised data storage.
Watch The Video Case Study Here
Finding businesses that share the same vision is a crucial portion to building long lasting partnerships between organisations. The shared vision between NEXTDC and Gunnebo, to Protect the Nation’s People and Assets, is what has allowed such a strong partnership to be formed.
At Gunnebo, we pride ourselves on our ability to be a trusted advisor and that our solutions deliver lifetime value. These fundamental relationships are something that both Gunnebo and our customers benefit from; in particular, it allows our partner, NEXTDC, to deliver on their brand promise of Power, Secure, Connect, extending the value to their customers also.

Partnership Benefits
- Aligned organisational objectives
- In depth understanding of your business’ goals
- Consistency across an entire fleet
- Simple deployment as time progresses
- Optimum lifetime value
- Trusted advisory relationships