The Vital Role of Self-Serve and 24/7 Accessibility for Your Customers
In today’s 24 hour, high tech society; the demand for services having 24 hour accessibility, as well as self-serve options is sky-rocketing. People today are always on the go and a lot more vigilant about encounters with people they don’t know or they don’t need to. Reducing not only the amount of time it can take to complete a required service, but minimizing the frequency in which people need to physically interact is a huge selling point for the consumer of 2022. In a recent blog post by super office, they recorded that a whopping 40% of consumers prefer self-serve methods.
As consumers evolve and technology continually advances across the globe, it is important for businesses to keep up with trends and market requirements. People want to know that the services they are using are reliable, safe and up to date; reducing any risk that could be associated with use. In any industry, there is always a strong need to exceed customer expectations and dominate over competitors, and implementing solutions which allow this to be achieved is the key to success.
Gunnebo Safe Store Auto is a safety deposit locker system which is a completely automated system. This allows for a customer to walk in, deposit or withdraw their valuables using advanced customer identification features, such as a biometric fingerprint reader. The lockers are all automated, meaning once a customer is verified, their personal goods are brought from the locker to the secured booth. Due to the level of sophistication of this technology, it means a customer is able to access their valuables at any time of day or night with no need for assistance – an impressive and sought after feature for many individuals today.
Want to learn more? Take a read of a success story today! Gunnebo Safe Store Auto Maxi installed in the Czech Republic, allowed the customer to create something special and set them apart from competitors.