Simplifying Fans’ Mobility – Fast and Secure Stadium Solutions
Gunnebo is at the very forefront of Entrance and Perimeter Control technologies, supplying solutions that create secure environments without compromising any freedom of movement. Through many years of global experience has gained extensive knowledge within the stadia and arena sector to derive a range of facility gates suitable to withstand the rigours of use; combining heavy passenger throughput, the need for reliability, robustness, and prevention of unauthorised access.
This is achieved through intelligent design, offering high efficiency operation and low running costs, all of which helps to protect the operator’s capital investment and future operational costs. Gunnebo has the ability to offer solutions which are fully customizable to suit the customer’s specific requirements; including cabinet aesthetics, functionality and firmware interfacing with the operator’s ticketing and access control system or external perimeter protection.
The vision when designing the solution packages for venues is to simplify mobility across the board when visiting a premise. Gunnebo have more than 200 reference sites world-wide in the stadia and venues industry, where purpose built solutions aimed at protecting and increasing people flow within these multi-functional complexes.
Want to learn more about how we can help build a bespoke solution for your venue?
Download our Stadia Solutions brochure today.