HiSec 6 SQ Security Booth

Motorised security booth for internal and semi-external installation

The doors are always locked shut in the rest position. An
authorised signal opens the first door allowing the user to
step into the booth where a presence is detected via means of
checking weight increase on the floor, side panels and doors.

When the first door is closed, the second door opens, thus
allowing the user to pass through. The second door shuts after
the unit has been vacated which also resets the system.

The doors are always locked shut in the rest position. An
authorised signal opens the first door allowing the user to
step into the booth where a presence is detected via means of
checking weight increase on the floor, side panels and doors.

When the first door is closed, the second door opens, thus
allowing the user to pass through. The second door shuts after
the unit has been vacated which also resets the system.



  • Government and Banking Icon
  • Public Places Icon
  • Buildings and Offices Icon
  • Retail Icon

Key Features

  • Dot Premium high security solution
  • Dot Elegant design
  • Dot Reliable performance


  • Motorised security booth that is connected to a ratio motor operated by adirect current engine with regulated speed.
  • The oil bath motor is reversible with a reduction ratio i=35.
  • Pneumatic frame along the profiles and safety torque sensing.


  • Structure: made of 3/4 mm thick steel plates
  • Glass: Lite 13 mm laminate Safety Glass (in accordance with EN356)
  • Bullet proof: 27 mm laminate Safety Glass C2 specification (AP/B-AC/A to UNI 9186-9187 standards


A low voltage light is positioned internally on a lateral pillar.


  • The HiSec booth is equipped with a weighing system which determines if more than one person is present inside the booth, wings included.

Power Failure /Fire Alarm

  • In the event of a power failure, isolation or after the BBU has been depleted, the outer, un-secure door will fail safe, i.e. un-locked and can be manually pushed open.
  • The inner, secure door will fail lock and is held in place via a
    lever system situated behind a locked panel above the door on the secure side of the installation.
  • The inner door can be manually opened by rotating a knob
    located behind the lockable service panel in the top mechanism section of the booth.


The HiSec 6 security booth can be utilised for government buildings, stores, data centres, telecommunications buildings, military buildings, infomation technology centres, banks, security publishing houses, law enforcement and research and development.

  • Power Supply: 230VAC 50Hz (110 VAC 60Hz, option)
  • Power Rating: 330 VA
  • Logic Voltage: 24 VAC
  • Operating Temperature: -20 °C to +60°C (95% RH not condensing)
  • Flow Rates (approximate figures): Proximity Reader ”Hands Free”, 4 passages per minute
  •  Metal detector
  • Programming kit
  •  Emergency opening
  •  Alternative finishes
  •  Demountable version kit
  •  Fail safe opening
  •  Glass security upgrade on request
  • Power Supply: 230VAC 50Hz (110 VAC 60Hz, option)
  • Power Rating: 330 VA
  • Logic Voltage: 24 VAC
  • Operating Temperature: -20 °C to +60°C (95% RH not condensing)
  • Flow Rates (approximate figures): Proximity Reader ”Hands Free”, 4 passages per minute
  •  Metal detector
  • Programming kit
  •  Emergency opening
  •  Alternative finishes
  •  Demountable version kit
  •  Fail safe opening
  •  Glass security upgrade on request

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