Offices & Public Buildings

Keeping you safe now and into the future

Office lobbies and reception areas in commercial buildings have evolved dramatically during recent years. But one thing remains the same – you want your people, buildings and assets to be safe and secure.

Office lobbies and reception areas in commercial buildings have evolved dramatically during recent years. But one thing remains the same – you want your people, buildings and assets to be safe and secure.

Public & Commercial Buildings

Integration with temperature sensing technology, facial recognition, lift integration and access control are all key to a safe and secure environment.

Working patterns have become more flexible, with employees coming and going throughout the day and night. Security turnstiles may need to be connected remotely, so security can be maintained even if no guard staff are physically present to supervise the entrance.


In a retail setting entrance gates can help with social distancing limiting the number of patrons in a store, removing conflict with staff and creating a calm and safe environment.

Entrance gates also provide a deterrent to acts of theft and can be used to ensure a natural one-way flow through your store from entry point to secure checkout areas where it is more difficult to exit without having paid for goods.


Schools, colleges and universities often operate an open-door policy and typically house a number of public and private areas, with a frequent flow of visitors including staff and students, as well as invited guests such as parents or service providers.

Integration with temperature sensing technology, facial recognition, lift integration and access control are all key to a safe and secure environment.

Ensure the security and safety of students and staff alike, while protecting personal items from theft or vandalism in addition to securing the institutions assets and equipment.

Gymnasiums and Leisure Centres

Leisure and fitness centres have to manage a frequent flow of customers with different access rights, preventing unauthorised entry to non-members or to members who have not paid to use certain areas of the gym.

An effective entrance control solution allow staff to concentrate on customer service instead of policing who is coming in and out of the site.

Integrating contactless entry and temperature sensing will be essential as we move into the new world.

Health & Safety

As coronavirus restrictions are eased or lifted and we are heading back to work, shopping, entertainment or gathering in large groups, there is a hesitance for our Health and Safety.

Providing a safe, hygienic environment for staff, visitors and customers must be a priority with visible measures to ensure confidence for all.

Touchless Facial Recognition with Temperature Detection

A safe, secure and hygienic solution combining real-time facial recognition and automatic temperature measurement to help with current measures for disease prevention and control, incorporated with most Entrance Control solutions.

Ideal for use in office buildings, government agencies, airports, hotels, train stations, schools, hospitals, supermarkets, Gaming facilities, stadiums and any other public places helping to achieve intelligent security management and disease prevention.

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