The Importance of Critical Infrastructure

With ASIO recently increasing the threat level within Australia, security threats are becoming more prominent; especially for critical infrastructure sites. Sites deemed as critical infrastructure – such as data centres, government agencies, correctional facilities, airports, defence bases, financial institutions, telecommunications, etc play a vital role in our country’s well-being, providing services that are essential for the population to be able to live in everyday life. Ensuring this infrastructure is secure and resilient supports productivity and reliability, assisting business activities that promote economic growth. Disruption or failure to critical infrastructure could have serious implications on businesses, governments, and the community, ultimately impacting overall supply security and service continuity. Implementing well-thought out security postures that comprise of a layered approach provides sites with the best line of defence against potential threats and allows situations to remain more controlled. Installing various points of security such as perimeter protection, sallyports, building hardening, entrance control and asset protection provides a site with layered security which becomes progressively more secure.


SallyPorts – Application and Benefit

A SallyPort is a secured zone designed for vehicles to drive into and be inspected or authorised before carrying on into a secured location. Primarily used in environments such as a courthouse, correctional facility, government agency, data centre, defence base and more; the SallyPort provides a site with an opportunity to ensure unwanted goods such as weapons or contraband or unauthorised individuals do not get in or out. These spaces become a secured checkpoint for officials to protect the secured interior from the outside world. Sallyports play a crucial role in enhancing security and safety within correctional institutions by preventing unauthorised entry, controlling the flow of traffic, and facilitating the transfer of inmates, staff, and supplies.


Building a Secure SallyPort

Gunnebo have designed a range of SallyPorts for many different applications, across various industries. Often looking different dependent on the site, the purpose of a SallyPort remains the same – control the movement of individuals, vehicles and goods in and out of a facility.  Some key products to build a secured SallyPort can include:



The resilience and security of these critical infrastructures are crucial for maintaining the stability and function of the Australian economy and society. Ensuring risk assessments are undergone and compliance is maintained will always assist in the upkeep of critical infrastructure. By doing this and implementing strategic security solutions ensures adequate security measures are in place for critical infrastructure sites; ultimately minimising the chance for breaches of security.

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